What is COWfest?

COWfest is the Children of Winchester Festival, and it will run for the first time in 2016! It's all happening on the weekend of 13th and 14th February, at the Tower Arts Centre at Kings' School. The aim of COWfest is to showcase local talent and bring new audiences to Winchester's youth arts providers, and to give children a chance to have a go at different creative activities through workshops. We also hope for local young people to be involved in planning and marketing the festival. We are starting small in 2016, but our aim is to develop the festival over the coming years and to make it a regular feature of Winchester's festival calendar.

Check out the details of workshops and performances as we post them here, and join in the fun!

If you are are aged 14+, you can volunteer to help at COWfest 2016 by completing a short online form here

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