What can I do at COWfest?

Want to know what you can do at COWfest 2016?

Well, if you are aged 11 or older, there are three activities for you to try:

On Saturday 13th February, in the morning, you can have a go at Stage Fighting with Discarded Nut Theatre Company


In the afternoon, there's a variety of arts and crafts to sample with Art Stars


And on the morning of Sunday 14th, you can have a go at Songwriting and learn some Band Skills, with Winnall Rock School


If you are aged from 7 to 11 years, then there's a free drama workshop for you on the afternoon of Saturday 13th February, with the University of Winchester HUB Youth Theatre


And if you are aged between 5 and 10, then there's also an arts and crafts session for you with Art Stars, on the morning of Saturday 13th February


If you are a parent or carer with a toddler, then you won't miss out. There are three short sessions with Moo Music for you to enjoy on Sunday 14th February




All ages are welcome to enjoy the performance Showcase at 1.30pm on Sunday 14th February


In short – there's something for everyone at COWfest 2016, so come along and join in the fun!

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